perfect day

perfect day

In addition to beverages based around coffee grown on the company’s own farms in southern India, this coffeehouse services freshly made lemonade and ice tea. Perfect Day also offers a select range of foods including snacks, soups, patisserie products, and health foods. Also on sale: premium coffee beans grown by the company in the jungles of southern India using sustainable farming methods. perfect day is a Miles&More partner

Terminal 1, Area A, Level 2
Terminal 1, Area A, Level 2
Opening hours
Mon.-Sun., 05:00-22:00
Payment types
Visa, American Express, Euro/Mastercard, JCB
Terminal 1, Area A, Level 2
Terminal 1, Area A, Level 2
Opening hours
Mon.-Sun., 06:30-22:00
Payment types
Visa, American Express, Euro/Mastercard, JCB