Miles & More at Frankfurt Airport

Frankfurt Airport has been a new Miles & More partner since July 2022. This means that you can now earn Miles & More award miles even before your flight. All over duty free, in many stores and restaurants, and of course when using Frankfurt Airport services. You can even earn miles when you book a parking space here. You can then redeem the miles you earn for flights, upgrades and other exciting rewards. In addition, as a frequent flyer, you enjoy a special status with privileges that simply make traveling more enjoyable.

These are your benefits:

  • Earn miles at many participating partner stores at Frankfurt Airport

  • For new members only: 500 award miles when registering as a new Miles & More participant via Frankfurt Airport*

  • You can also earn miles at many airport services

  • Highlight: miles for booking your parking space online at Frankfurt Airport

* 500 award miles for your approval of Frankfurt Airport communication as part of the registration for the Miles & More program.

Your benefits with Miles & More

Whether you're on your way to your dream destination or in your daily life: With Miles & More, you can collect valuable award miles in a variety of ways and redeem them for great rewards. With airlines, hotels, stores or for a trip with a rental car. A large world of partners awaits you.

As a frequent flyer with special status, you also enjoy exclusive privileges that make your air travel even more comfortable. You can find more information about frequent flyer status with Miles & More here  .

Our Miles & More app is also convenient, because it means you always have your mileage balance, your Miles & More service card with number and the latest information about Miles & More with you.

Good reasons for Miles & More

  • Earn award miles with 40 airline partners
  • Earn miles day after day with partners worldwide
  • Constantly changing promotions to earn additional miles
  • Redeem miles for flights or many other attractive rewards from vouchers to luggage sets
  • Achieve status and enjoy privileges by flying
  • Book flights faster and easier with your Miles & More profile
  • Retroactive mileage credit for flights that took place up to 6 months ago

Miles & More partners at Frankfurt Airport




Redeem award miles

As soon as you have collected 3,000 award miles, you can redeem your miles in the Miles & More award world  (ad). For example, discover exclusive offers in the Lufthansa WorldShop, special experiences with unique event awards or book a hotel or rental car. Alternatively, keep collecting for now and take off with a flight award from 15,000 award miles.


Not a member yet?

FAQs about how Miles & More works

When you purchase a product or use a service with a participating partner that has a corresponding credit associated with it, you will be credited with 1 bonus mile for every 1 euro of total sales. Please note that there are products for which such a bonus is not allowed.

In addition, you will earn additional miles during special promotions for Miles & More participants. In some cases, the granting of additional miles depends on a specific minimum amount of items in the shopping cart.

In order to earn award miles when booking or purchasing online, you must enter your Miles & More service card number. Are you already registered with FRA-ID? Then you can save your service card number in the FRA-ID customer account. In addition, all customers have the option to store their service card number at the checkout. If you want to collect award miles in a store, a restaurant or when using one of our services, simply show your digital Miles & More service card.

In principle, miles can of course only be credited if you have provided your service card number.

For home delivery, please note that award miles can only be credited to your Miles & More account after full payment and expiration of the cancellation period. This process takes up to 4 weeks.

For Click & Collect orders, miles will be credited when you come to one of our stores at the airport for collection, e.g. Frankfurt Duty Free and present your Miles & More card. With some partners, miles for online Click & Collect orders are credited automatically after pickup. In most cases, the miles are credited on the following day.

In principle, of course, award miles can only be credited if you provide your Miles & More service card number when booking the parking space. The crediting of the award miles collected when booking a parking space takes place one day after you enter the parking area with your Mobile Parking Card.

Award miles from special promotions are not shown in the store.

Miles can be earned on a "Park, Sleep & Fly" booking if it is offered by the partner hotel.

You can store your Miles & More service card number in your FRA-ID customer account and of course change it there if necessary. You are not yet registered with FRA-ID? However, registration is not a condition for crediting - all customers have the option of also depositing their service card number when checking out.

Of course, no miles can be awarded for canceled orders or returned items. If miles have already been credited, they will be booked back.

You can have the award miles credited retrospectively via our customer service (for 6 months retrospectively). Please include your Miles & More service card number with your request and send us a copy of the receipt.

We apologize if your question has not been answered. For detailed questions about Miles & More at Frankfurt Airport Shopping, please contact our customer service. Telephone support is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at

+49 (0)69 79 540 540* or

*Call to a German landline number, costs vary depending on the provider